Every Early Years pupil at WMS has their own individual and unique “My Learning Journey” book. It is a celebration of their time at our school and tells the story of their learning, their friends and all the experiences they have. Inside you will find photographs which capture moments and sequences of them at play, both at school and at home. There will also be some of their creations and written records of significant moments adults have observed whilst at play. Their “My Learning Journey” booklet is mainly kept at school but belongs to the child, the school and their family. WMS parents can participate in the Learning Journey but sharing evidence of their child’s learning and development as they progress through the early year classes.
WOW sheets
At WMS we use ‘WOW’ sheets to help us build a broad perspective of your child’s achievements and we feel they are a really positive way to celebrate the home/school time relationship & development for your child. These are an important part of your child’s learning journey.
The key purpose of the WOW sheet is for us to obtain an understanding of your child’s achievements outside & beyond school and to be able to celebrate these achievements with your child. The completed WOW sheets will be placed in your child’s ‘Learning Journey’ and the information we gather from them is a valuable source of evidence when completing your child’s personal learning journey profile.
WOW sheets can be completed by family members or friends who spend time with your child outside of school hours. For example: grandparents and other close relatives, child-minders. We also welcome photographs, pictures, writing or any other evidence to support the notes on WOW sheets.
WOW sheets are always freely available for you to pick-up from the school door and can also be downloaded here.
The WOW sheets you submit will be grouped under the seven areas of learning as follows: (there are also some examples of what could be considered a WOW)
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development e.g. a new activity your child has done (confidence) or playing co-operatively with others, taking turns (making relationships).
- Communication and Language e.g. Following simple instructions or asking how or why questions about an experience.
- Literacy e.g. Can describe a story or understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction books or can recognise familiar words like their own name (reading) or give meaning to marks as they draw or paint (writing).
- Mathematics e.g. Can count 1-5, 1-10, or 1-20, or can do simple sums (numbers).
- Understanding the World e.g. A significant event for their family or friends (people & communities) or your child knows how to operate simple equipment like remote control or CD (technology).
- Physical Development e.g. Showing your child can handle equipment and tools effectively, including writing with pencils, maybe beginning to copy their name (movement & handling) or that they know the importance of a healthy diet and physical exercise (health & selfcare).
- Expressive Arts and Design e.g. pictures your child makes using different materials, songs your child sings or dressing up to engage in imaginative role-play.