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WMS-Fees-Sheet-Apr-25Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) financial guidance for 2, 3 & 4 year olds
When you take up a funded place for your child and complete a Parental Declaration Agreement, you enter into certain contractual obligations in respect of ‘attendance’ with the Local Authority (and WMS).
The local authority will not penalise absence for a short period, such as illness or a holiday of up to two consecutive weeks (in a rolling 12-month period). Outside of this, the Local Authority will not pay the grant for your child’s place.
In instances where absence exceeds two consecutive weeks and your child’s fees are not met by the Local Authority then you will be required to fund the place for your child directly to Walthamstow Montessori School. Failure to do this may result in your child’s place being withdrawn.
As per the school’s attendance policy, your child’s absence from school should be reported to the school office. If absence relates to an upcoming holiday/travel then please advise the school office of the start date of absence and intended return to school date and reason.
In exceptional circumstances only, such as significant or long-term illness of the child, significant or long-term illness or death of the main carer, or a crisis which prevents attendance will the Local Authority consider covering the cost. Evidence would need to be submitted for consideration to the Local Authority.
Please find our contracts for FEEE funding at the end of our School Policies section.