Makaton is a language programme (incorporating a lot of British Sign Language signs) and is used widely throughout the world. It was designed to provide functional communication and encourage and develop language and literacy skills through the combined use of signs and symbols with speech. It enables children with learning and or communication difficulties to interact with others.
WMS is incorporating its use further in the classroom. The benefits of its use will support basic communication, help understanding, develop language skills, facilitate social interaction, help build relationships, increase equal opportunities, and develops pre-reading and pre-writing skills towards literacy for all at this young age.
Signs help in learning words.
Indeed, it is something our teachers are doing quite naturally in their classrooms, and I am sure you are doing at home too, especially through songs and rhyme – perhaps with Mr Tumble on CBeebies!!
There is a neurological link between areas of the brain where gesture and speech develop so our practice will further support and develop communication and language between us all here at WMS.
Gestures develop much earlier than speech! Thus reducing frustration and supporting early communication.